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Move “Show Applications” right to left of the Dock in Ubuntu

When I installed new Ubuntu 18.04, first thing I have my mind is to move the Dock at botton. I was very happy to see that Ubuntu 18.04 is already provided that option, to enable this you need to go to setting > Dock and then “Position of screen” to bottom.

Yessss, it works.

After this one more thing I noticed is “Show applications” is showing at the right side of the Dock but I like it on the left (Event in old versions and mac/ windows its in left). I tried to search in google but nothing found so I thought of writing a notes about it. And finally, I got it working so I thought it will be good to share it with everyone.

Here is the command you need to run for this

gsettings set show-apps-at-top true

Yayyy, its working.

And of course, to back set it false:

gsettings set show-apps-at-top false



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