
Mac TimeMachine drive on Samba share

First, create a Samba share on the easiest way. For example, mine: [macbook-pro-14] path = /mnt/data/backups/macbook-pro-14 read only = no…

2 years ago

oh-my-zsh p10k git branch name shortened

I use this and I experiened like this: The branch name is shortened and can't read. So I have to…

2 years ago

Intellij IDEA Golang own package problem

I really like IDEA for developing. I worked on a golang project and I organised my code into separate packages…

3 years ago

Run MiniDLNA from docker

For reusage: docker run -d \-p 8200:8200 \--restart=on-failure:3 \--name minidlna \-v /opt/minidlna/cache:/minidlna/cache \-v /mnt/data/series:/media/series \-v /mnt/data/movies:/media/movies \-v /mnt/data/child:/media/child \-v /mnt/data/torrent:/media/torrent…

3 years ago

Docker img ipv6 problem

On my host the ipv6 is disabled. I had to start a docker image, which would like to use ipv6.…

3 years ago

Gentoo USB serial passthrough KVM

I have a Conbee II Zigbee receiver. After a restart the USB passthrought stopped working (on the guest VM I…

3 years ago

ConBee 2 firmware upgrade on Ubuntu

Requirements: Installed Deconz software. Downloadable, here: Download the lates firmware from here:;O=D (deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x) Stop all services: $ sudo…

4 years ago

Unuable Remmina with squares as characters

I use Ubuntu 20.04 and sometime remmina makes me a joke.... If you start remmina, and you see like this:…

4 years ago

Hassio with supervisor on Gentoo by docker

Supervisor, first start Docker pull: docker pull homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:landingpage Than, start it: docker run -d --name hassio_supervisor \ --privileged \ --security-opt…

4 years ago

Linux Desktop experiences

DRAFT A long-long years ago (til 2007) I used linux as desktop (Gentoo exactly). After, the windows 7 and the…

4 years ago

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